My third mcHF will no longer be QRP

A 120 watt mcHF variant is born. Even so, its size will be small compared to the much more expensive. Stay tuned

 Inside a Retex SOLBOX there is still room for a 120 Watt linear amplifier, four 7-pole low-pass Chebysehv filters, forced ventilation ... and even a 12-volt 20-amp switching power supply, but only if I can shield it for avoid interference from 40 kHz. In any case, a conventional 12-volt 2-amp source would facilitate QRP operation. A dial for CNC tool, instead of a simple button, I hope it gives a touch of distinction. 
Entertainment for my summer vacations.


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    1. The covid-19 pandemic has slowed down my supply of components, but the project is well underway. I had not problems with unwanted couplings in the final amplifier, the partitioning through aluminum panels has made this possible. As soon as I can I will upload photos.

    2. Petr, OK1RP has left a new comment on your post "My third mcHF will no longer be QRP":

      Wow, I really like your project for 120W mcHF ! I home that you will successfully finish it. I am following you there and getting motivation for similar thing... :) Have a good luck mate! Petr


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